MUMFIE is a preschool comedy series based on ‘Magic Adventures of Mumfie’ created by Britt Allcroft (creator of Thomas the Tank Engine). Told with heart and humour, this reboot features the optimistic young elephant Mumfie, who along with his best friends, Pinkey and Jelly Bean, are the helpful heroes of the whimsical world of Flutterstone.

To them no challenge is too great and no flop, failure or fiasco is unfixable.

A specialist in the creative development and production of children’s animation, Zodiak Kids & Family France, led by CEO Benoît Di Sabatino, has a strong track record of producing fun, inspiring and successful children’s content for kids of all ages.


Credits include LolirockLilybudsMumfie, The Unstoppable Yellow Yeti, Shasha & Milo, and a brand-new series of the long-running international hit Totally Spies!.